Journey No 1. I have been keeping a document in which I keep the daily writing prompts from Natalie Pithers of Genealogy Stories fame and she can be found on social media site Bluesky. I have decided to write on this blog weekly using one of her prompts. This in itself is a new journey for me. I have tried the #52 ancestors way and fail dismally in keeping up so am now determined that no matter what I will try to keep up with this this space.
Journey No 2. Strangely I was only talking about this journey the other evening and this is that golden opportunity to get it down on paper.
We were talking about the Great London smog of 1952 and I remembered a family journey in the late 50's when Dad drove us from Hertfordshire to East Sussex to visit grandparents; least that was the intention. We had travelled as far as South London but the smog got thicker and thicker until Mum was leaning out of one car window to keep an eye on the kerb and Dad was leaning out of the other window to keep an eye on the white line in the middle of the road. The car lights faintly glowed in the yellow thick swirling fog and couldn't penetrate enough to see clearly. It finally reached a point where the strain was too much and Dad decided the best thing to do was to turn round and go home. I wonder whether my sister and I, as young children, sensed the tension and kept quiet or whether we weren't helping matters by squbbling or aaking a child's favourite question of "Are we there yet" or "When are we going to be there?"