Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Advent Calendar Day 6


Salehurst School

The school was in Northbridge Strret, at the bottom of the long High Street in Robertsbridge and my parents both attended there as children until they were 14 years old.

In 1924, when my Dad would certainly be attending the school, the schools was closed for a fortnight because of an outbreak of scarlet fever.  In the February the following year the school was again closed because an outbreak of flu meant several of the teachers and many of the children wetre absent.

In 1927 there were 164 children taught in 4 rooms which were described as depressing and inconvenient.  My mother might have started school this year as she would have been 5.

Mum received a prize in the annual prize giving at Salehurst School.  She was in the Infants.  Dad is mentioned in the same article and is in Standard 3. She remembers playing stool ball in the playground.  It was a mile and a half walk to school for her. It was only ¾ mile from where he lived in Salehurst.  

In this newspaper report my uncle, Alfred Booth, was listed in the infants and my Dad, Robert White, is in Standard III.

1927 prize giving

Mum left the little village school aged 14 so this would have been 1936/37.   

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